< St. Joseph Hospital Orange

Cardiovascular Services

The new lab is ideal for handling many new therapeutic procedures. Doctors get optimal visualization and patients have less radiation exposure.



What Inspires You?

Advanced cardiac treatments should be available
to everyone in our community, even the less fortunate.

According to the CDC, heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States. Providence St. Joseph Hospital is working to reduce those numbers here in Orange County.

Campaign Progress

Together, we can bring latest technology
to treat a wider range of cardiac procedures.

$1,793,835 Raised

59% of the fundraising goal achieved with the help of neighbors like you

A donation makes a difference. Here’s proof.


Now, more than ever, our community needs Providence St. Joseph Hospital and compassionate neighbors like you.

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“Our organization is unique in part because of the partnership that exists between the Foundation and the hospital itself. As chief philanthropy officer, I partner closely with our senior leadership team to identify areas of opportunity – and together we connect those opportunities with compassionate, generous donors.”

—Amy Daugherty, Chief Philanthropy Officer


Meet The Expert

Jennifer Hall

Executive Director of Surgical Services Cardiovascular Administration

Donate Today

Together, we can provide care that transforms lives, now and for years to come.

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Give in honor of our doctors
who change lives every day.

Your gift provides hope.

Contact Us

Call: 714-347-7900
1010 West La Veta, Suite 300 – Orange, CA 92868
Email: sjofoundation@providence.org

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