< St. Joseph Hospital Orange

St. Joseph is more than a hospital.

It's a community.

$ 0 M+

raised in 2024 thanks to the community’s generosity

$ 0 +

charitable gifts made in 2024

$ 0 M

raised at Soiree 2024
supporting Heart and Vascular Center


years of caring for our dear neighbors

Transformation In Action

You can change lives.


At different times, our community has different health care priorities. We start by reaching out to identify those needs.


The Foundation partners
with you to identify your philanthropic passion  and connect it to a need at the hospital.


Your donations go right to work, right here in our community — for a lasting impact that transforms the lives of all those we serve.

Share Your Story

You are part of something much bigger than providing medical care. We’re an entire community devoted to transforming lives, one sacred encounter at a time. 
Please share your experience.

“My experience was wonderful from the moment I 
checked in. I want to specifically recognize the nurses
who so wonderfully cared for me.”

— Kim Holmes

“My experience was wonderful from the moment I 
checked in. I want to specifically recognize the nurses 
who so wonderfully cared for me.”

— Anonymous patient

Send a Message of Support

The staff, volunteers and caregivers at Providence St. Joseph Hospital need your support as they work to protect and heal our community.

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Our neighbors need
Providence St. Joseph Hospital ... and you.

There’s never been a more important time to support Providence St. Joseph Hospital — so that everyone in our community can benefit from leading-edge care.


Now, more than ever, our community needs Providence St. Joseph Hospital and compassionate neighbors like you.

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Give in honor of our doctors
who change lives every day.

Your gift provides hope.

Contact Us

Call: 714-347-7900
1010 West La Veta, Suite 300 – Orange, CA 92868
Email: sjofoundation@providence.org

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