< St. Joseph Hospital Orange

Behavioral Health Center

Support our efforts to ensure medically assisted counseling and full-time social workers are available to those struggling with mental illness.



What Inspires You?

A safe and confidential environment to deal with mental illness and substance abuse issues — every neighbor deserve that.

With a full range of psychiatric services, Providence St. Joseph Hospital’s inpatient and outpatient programs offer  treatment for psychiatric problems and/or issues with chemical dependency.

Campaign Progress

Our Behavioral Health Center treats over 5,000 patients
per year, with inpatient units near capacity.

$4,078,442 Raised

90% of the fundraising goal achieved with the help of neighbors like you

Social Work Endowment Fund
This pays full-time social workers who will work with clinicians to develop treatment plans. It’s a a substantial commitment to improving care for all, including for the neediest patients facing the greatest risk.
Medically-Assisted Treatment Counseling
Calls to the SoCal Suicide Hotline have surged over the years. Whether its inpatient or outpatient, Orange County neighbors, especially the poor and vulnerable, can receive treatment for psychiatric or chemical dependency issues through our Behavioral Health Services.

A donation makes a difference. Here’s proof.


Now, more than ever, our community needs Providence St. Joseph Hospital and compassionate neighbors like you.

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"The generosity of our community is overwhelming. We are grateful for the countless donations received for Providence St. Joseph Hospital. Many more challenges lie ahead. If you can, please make a donation and support our mission. On behalf of all, we thank you."

—Amy Daugherty, Chief Philanthropy Officer


Meet The Expert

Glenn Raup, PhD

Executive Director, Behavioral Health, Emergency Care Center, Observation

Donate Today

Together, we can provide care that transforms lives, now and for years to come.

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Give in honor of our doctors
who change lives every day.

Your gift provides hope.

Contact Us

Call: 714-347-7900
1010 West La Veta, Suite 300 – Orange, CA 92868
Email: sjofoundation@providence.org

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