< St. Joseph Hospital Orange

Remembering Brenda Armour


We are impacting lives in Orange County everyday with the generous support of donors.



Remembering Brenda Armour

A legacy of service and giving back

A loyal donor since 1985, Brenda Armour was a steadfast advocate for children, a compassionate caregiver and a cherished member of the Providence St. Joseph family.

Brenda’s journey began when she met her husband, Sam, when he was a U.S. Marine and she was in nursing school. The couple married in Florida and traveled for Sam’s career before settling in Orange County. He started a career at McDonnell Douglas and she worked as a nurse at Children’s Hospital Orange County for many years.

In midlife, Brenda changed careers and became one of the first accredited social workers at Providence St. Joseph Hospital. A devout Catholic with a strong affinity for the hospital’s mission, Brenda attended the Foundation’s Dynamic Women and Legacy Society events.

“Not only was Brenda an employee and volunteer, but she also became a donor pretty early on,” says Viki Barie, the Foundation’s donor engagement program manager. “Having been trained as a nurse and a social worker, she had a unique perspective. She witnessed care being delivered with excellence and compassion daily at the hospital. She also saw the impact of philanthropy and wanted to be a part of that.”

Brenda and Sam’s support for the hospital spanned decades. After Sam’s passing in 2019, she continued giving. In a poignant testament to her commitment, Brenda included Providence St. Joseph in her estate plan. Her bequest, a transformational gift made upon her passing in July 2023, serves as a legacy of her love of service and belief in our mission.

“We’re moved and grateful that Brenda made a bequest to support the work of the hospital,” says Viki. “She had a huge heart, and her generosity will be felt for years to come.”

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1010 West La Veta, Suite 300 – Orange, CA 92868
Email: sjofoundation@providence.org

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