
“A dedicated and compassionate caregiver at St. Joseph Hospital for decades, Melvin Schwartz and his wife demonstrated their friendship and support for the Hospital by establishing a legacy through a generous charitable planned gift.”
Leaving a legacy through charity
Melvin Schwartz, MD is no stranger to St. Joseph Hospital of Orange. He has been a dedicated and compassionate caregiver for decades. The good doctor, a psychiatrist, pioneered mental health at St. Joseph Hospital and is highly respected amongst his peers. Dr. Schwartz and his wife, Myrna, are long-time residents of this very community. The couple not only convey their affection and enthusiasm for the Hospital but continue to demonstrate their friendship and support by having established a legacy through a charitable planned gift.
In making a gift, Dr. and Mrs. Schwartz enhanced their personal financial security by establishing a life estate reserve-charitable gift annuity. This creative giving vehicle lets the donor transfer their home to St. Joseph Hospital and remain there for the rest of their lives. In return, they receive a current tax deduction and an annuity for their lives. This gift will make a big impact on the Hospital and the communities we serve — an impact far beyond what they could have envisioned. We are deeply gratified for the Schwartz’s extraordinary generosity.
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