
“Funded entirely by philanthropy, St. Joseph Hospital recently acquired the ION System for Robotic Bronchial Navigation. It offers huge advancements in minimally invasive lung biopsy procedures which helps detect lung cancer earlier.”
Detecting Lung Cancer Earlier
Funded entirely by philanthropy, St. Joseph Hospital recently acquired the ION System for Robotic Bronchial Navigation. The revolutionary system offers patients huge advancements in minimally invasive lung biopsy procedures, which helps in the early detection of lung cancer and increases the likelihood of survival.
Most lung cancer begins in the peripheral region of the lungs, which is difficult to navigate, but using the ION System’s combination of robotics and digital imaging software, peripheral nodules can be easily mapped out and reached. The ION System’s flexible endoscope can articulate 180 degrees in any direction, allowing it to reach all 18 segments of the lungs, and the mapping technology allows clinicians to have a real time, map-like view of the pulmonary region.
The project’s fundraising goal of $600K was partially met, in large part, thanks to an anonymous donor who made a generous donation of $100K in honor of her late husband.
“I am so proud to support St. Joseph Hospital in their efforts to diagnose and treat lung cancer,” the anonymous donor states. “Knowing that my donation can make a difference in the life of someone in my community makes it even more meaningful.”
The ION System represents a powerful leap forward in our oncologists’ ability to detect lung cancers early and stop them in their tracks.
To learn how you can make a difference at St. Joseph Hospital’s Center for Cancer Prevention and Treatment, please visit
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