< St. Joseph Hospital Orange

Community Champions


We are impacting lives in Orange County everyday with the generous support of donors.



Welcome Our Newest Board Members!

Pictured left to right: Heather Huarte, M.D., Brian Lee, M.D., Sr. Mary Therese Sweeney, CSJ

Community Champions

Providence St. Joseph Hospital Foundation board members dedicate their time and talent on behalf of all of us

Our Foundation Board is a committed group of 26 volunteer leaders who put their time where their values are. Although they come from diverse backgrounds and a wide range of professions, they are united in their dedication to ensuring our community has access to the latest advances in care.

Our board members play a critical role in advancing the Foundation’s mission of engaging our beloved community in philanthropic support of the hospital. They act as stewards of the Foundation’s resources, and as our ambassadors — spotting opportunities and spreading the word about the impact of philanthropy on Providence St. Joseph Hospital.

Several board members also serve on various committees such as the Finance Committee, Golf Tournament, our annual Celebration event and the Physician Leadership Council.

Invested in the community

Board members don’t just live in our community. They are invested in our community. They guide the Foundation, ensuring donations deliver leading-edge technology and compassionate care for all.

“I am honored to serve with this tremendously talented and dedicated group of people who have rallied around supporting Providence St. Joseph Hospital,” says Tanja Cebula, chair. “It’s a privilege to serve. I never forget that in my role as chair of the Foundation Board, I’m partnering with donors and community members to shape the hospital’s future.”

Learn more about these champions in our community by visiting sjofoundation.org/boardofdirectors.

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Power of Community Partnership

Power of Community Partnership

Providence St. Joseph Hospital supporters gathered to celebrate the grand opening for the Helen Caloggero Women’s and Family Center.

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Together, we can provide care that transforms lives, now and for years to come.

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Call: 714-347-7900
1010 West La Veta, Suite 300 – Orange, CA 92868
Email: sjofoundation@providence.org

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