< St. Joseph Hospital Orange

Trusted Partners


We are impacting lives in Orange County everyday with the generous support of donors.



Pictured left to right: Alex Ramirez, M.D.; Warren Johnston, M.D.; Michele Carpenter, M.D.; Ashok Kar, M.D.; Brian Lee, M.D.

Trusted Partners

Physician Leadership Council

Our physician colleagues are one of the most essential partners in philanthropy. Their commitment is incredibly important to advancing health care within Providence St. Joseph Hospital as we work toward transforming our communities — together.

The Physician Leadership Council consists of over 20 clinicians who are moving the needle within our hospital in addition to patient care. By partnering with the Foundation, the council assists with identifying needs across all service lines and helps determine fundraising opportunities for the future. As internal champions of philanthropy, our physician leaders are equipped to educate their colleagues on how philanthropic support can impact the hospital.

“Their leadership has propelled Providence St. Joseph to become one of California’s leading philanthropic-supported hospitals and is a testament to the importance of having physician engagement. Every day our physicians go above and beyond — not only for their patients, but for the hospital, our mission and the profession to which they have dedicated their lives,” says Amy Daugherty, chief philanthropy officer.

Thank you to our Physician Leadership Council for your unwavering support and expertise to help create healthier communities.

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Power of Community Partnership

Power of Community Partnership

Providence St. Joseph Hospital supporters gathered to celebrate the grand opening for the Helen Caloggero Women’s and Family Center.

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Together, we can provide care that transforms lives, now and for years to come.

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Give in honor of our doctors
who change lives every day.

Your gift provides hope.

Contact Us

Call: 714-347-7900
1010 West La Veta, Suite 300 – Orange, CA 92868
Email: sjofoundation@providence.org

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