< St. Joseph Hospital Orange

Caregiver’s Passionate Dedication Leaves a Legacy


We are impacting lives in Orange County everyday with the generous support of donors.


Carole and Albert Sell

Sister Frances Dunn Legacy Society

If you have questions about making a legacy gift or if you have already made Providence St. Joseph Hospital a beneficiary of your estate plans, it would be our pleasure to recognize you as a member of the Sister Frances Dunn Legacy Society.

Please contact Philip D. Barker, JD, CFRE, executive director estate and gift planning, at 714-338-9105 or Philip.Barker@providence.org.

Caregiver's Passionate Dedication Leaves a Legacy

Carole Sell’s planned gift helps future generations

After the order of the Sisters of Sacred Heart dissolved, Sister and educator Carole Rae Sell enrolled at California State University Long Beach and obtained her master’s degree in microbiology. She took on positions at other organizations, including Children’s Hospital Orange County (CHOC), before joining Providence St. Joseph Hospital where she worked for many years in the lab.

There are many people who enjoy the work they do and are fond of the organization for which they work. There are others who are passionate about their work and believe in the organization’s mission; that was Carole. She and her husband Albert were married more than 40 years and were longtime residents of Orange County. Although they did not have children, they had several nieces and nephews who they adored.

After retiring from her position at Providence St. Joseph, Carole and Albert traveled extensively. All the while, the hospital’s mission — continued advancement of the quality of health care for those in the community, especially those most vulnerable — continued to resonate with her. To show her deep appreciation for the hospital, Carole decided to make a legacy gift to the hospital through a bequest in her trust.

In the summer of 2017, Carole passed away, putting into effect her trust. A beneficiary of her parents’ estate, she left a $9 million legacy gift to fund the establishment of a program related to hospice and palliative care. Carole’s years of dedication to Providence St. Joseph through her work, generosity and faith cannot be overstated. Her kindness will establish a legacy of compassionate care as her gift will bring immense benefit to vulnerable groups for generations to come.

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Call: 714-347-7900
1010 West La Veta, Suite 300 – Orange, CA 92868
Email: sjofoundation@providence.org

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